
In addition to the regular costs calculated by ShopSite, such as taxes and shipping, some merchants need to charge extra for particular services. For example:


  1. A merchant uses one of the current ShopSite shipping methods to calculate shipping costs. However, if the order is to be shipped from the U.S. to Canada, an extra $10.00 is charged per order. If the order is to go outside the U.S. and Canada, an extra $20.00 is added to the shipping costs.
  2. Same as above except the surcharge is $2.00 per product outside the U.S.
  3. The merchant wants to charge extra for purchase orders.

Surcharges are implemented similar to the way pull-down options are handled. Each option (e.g., country) in the menu list can be followed by a semi-colon ';' (an optional operator), followed by the value to add or subtract. Valid operators would be:

n - Not valid as a selection. Typically, the first option is something like "Choose One." If none of the other options are picked, an error message is generated, reminding the customer to select from this field.

o - The surcharge is added to the total order (this is implied by default if no operator is specified).

p - The surcharge is multiplied by the number of products.

For example, in the back office the merchant enters the following:

Surcharge Text Displayed to the Customer

Surcharge Pull-Down Menus

If "USA" is selected, no extra charges are incurred. If "Canada" is selected, then for each product ordered $2.00 is added as a surcharge. If "Outside North America" is selected, then $4.00 is added to the order, regardless of the number of products ordered. If the option "Choose One" is selected (or left as the default), an error message is displayed informing the customer that "Choose One" is not a valid option.

When the customer clicks on the Order button, they see the normal checkout screen. Following the shipping section is a surcharge area as follows:

Select the country to which you will be shipping. A surcharge for shipments outside the USA will be applied on the next screen:

On the Finalize Order page the customer sees a total similar to the following:
Product Total $10.00          
Discount -$5.00          
Subtotal $5.00          
Tax $0.50          
Shipping:Ground $5.00          
Surcharge:Canada $2.00 Total: $12.50

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