Configuring for Microsoft's IIS version 3 Server

To configure ShopSite to run with IIS you will need to do the following. Please go step by step through these instructions, or else ShopSite will not work.

A. If you have already created the NT user to be used by the merchant skip to section B. The merchant's NT user account MUST have the same name as the ShopSite store ID specified in the store.auth file. To create the user:

1. From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Administrative Tools select User Manager for Domains.
2. Select User then Select New User.
3. Enter the username, description, and password, then click Add, then Close.
4. Select Policies, Select User Rights.
5. From the pull-down Right menu select Logon Locally, click Add, then click Show Users now select the user you just added.
6. Now click Add, then OK, then click OK one more time.
B. Configure NT so that the ShopSite merchant and the customers (anonymous logon) can access the shopping cart, data, and output (html) directories.

1. Set the correct permissions for the shopping cart directory.
a) From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Windows NT Explorer.
b) Browse to the shopping cart directory or create it (e.g. c:\InetPub\scripts\sb).
c) Select (highlight) the directory name then right-click your mouse.
d) Select the Properties option.
e) Select the Security Tab then click the permissions button.
f) Press the add button, click the show users button.
g) Select the user (store ID) you created in section A above, click the down arrow on the Type of Access box, select Full Control, then click OK.
h) Also give the customer (anonymous logon) at a minimum read access (if it does not already have it.) Note: you can determine the user the Web server runs under by bring up the Internet Service Manager and double-clicking on the www server and then selecting the Service Tab.).
i) Press OK twice more to return to Windows NT Explorer.
2. Set the correct permissions for the output directory by repeating step 1 above.
3. Repeat step1 above with one variation to correctly set up the permissions on data directory. Because orders are stored in the data directory the anonymous user needs to have at a minimum the Change permission on the directory (step h). Since the data directory is not aliased by the Web server and is not located under the document root (InetPub) anonymous users cannot browse to the directory and compromise security.
C. Configure IIS to recognize the shopping cart directory and allow CGIs to be executed from it.
1) From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Microsoft Internet Server, select Internet Service Manager.
2) Double-Click the www server for your system.
c) Select the directories tab and then click the Add button.
d) browse to the shopping cart directory then click OK.
e) Enter the URL alias (e.g. /sb).
f) In the Access box ensure that Read and Execute are checked.
g) Then click OK, then click OK again.
D. Configured IIS to recognize your back office URL (the URL you will run ShopSite from) as a protected URL.
1. The directory must be shareable so the it can be password protected for Web access.
a) From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Windows NT Explorer.
b) Browse to the back office directory or create it.
c) Select (highlight) the directory name then right-click your mouse.
d) Select sharing then select the Sharing tab.
e) Enter a Share Name (e.g. bo).
f) Select the Security Tab then click the permissions button.
g) Press the add button, click the show users button.
h) Select the user (store ID) you created in section A above, click the down arrow on the Type of Access box, select Full Control, then click OK.
i) Press OK twice more to return to Windows NT Explorer.
2. Now configure IIS to recognize the back office directory.
a) From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Microsoft Internet Server, select Internet Service Manager.
b) Double-Click the www server for your system.
c) Select the directories tab and then click the Add button.
d) Enter the UNC name for your back office directory. Do Not use the browse button or enter a drive letter:\directory path. A UNC name consists of \\ followed by your server's name followed by a \ and the share name of your back office directory. For example: \\myserver\bo The server's name is the same as that displayed in 2.b above. The share name is the same as that entered in 1.e above.
e) Enter the URL alias (e.g. /bo).
f) Enter the username (same as the store id).
g) Enter a password.
h) In the Access box ensure that Read and Execute are checked.
i) Then click OK, then click OK again.
E. To view the Web Server statistics (hits, pages viewed, etc.) from the back office the log format needs to conform to the NCSA format. To set the logging format:
1. From the task bar select Start, select Programs, select Microsoft Internet Server, select Internet Service Manager.
2. Select the Logging Tab, click the down arrow on the logging format box and select NCSA Format.
3. Press OK.

Note: In the ShopSite back office you will configure where ShopSite is to read the logfile from. Because IIS can rotate the log files Daily, weekly or monthly ShopSite will need to be reconfigured to read the new log file (e.g.NCyymmww.log) when it is rotated. One solution is before the file is rotated to have a program copy (append) the file to a known name that ShopSite reads.

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